Is there a simple or elegant way to uninstall django-rest-swagger on Windows 10? I've recently started developing API's and creating documentation. I found a tutorial that used the django-rest-swagger app. After installing the app and doing more reading, I discovered that it was deprecated, and the developer's GitHub page recommends using drf-yasg.
I tried using "pip uninstall django-rest-swagger," and that echoed back that the app was uninstalled. But, when I went into the virtual environment folder of the project, all the package folders were still there. I also tried "pipenv uninstall django-rest-swagger", but it returned "pipenv is not recognized..." I spent a few hours reading the app docs, and googling "how to remove/ uninstall django-rest-swagger." However, I didn't find anything useful.
Eventually, I gave up, and decided to do it the hard way. I manually deleted all the installed files. Fortunately, I hadn't updated my requirements.txt, so, I knew what was originally installed. While this solution worked, it was somewhat time consuming.
Does django-rest-swagger have an internal uninstall command? And does anyone know why "pip uninstall" didn't remove the app folders?
Just enable your virtualenv probably doing:
. /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate
pip uninstall django-rest-swagger
Then go to
and remove or comment the following line:
And finally remove or comment in
the import and code related with swagger library:
from django.conf.urls import url
#from rest_framework_swagger.views import get_swagger_view
#schema_view = get_swagger_view(title='Pastebin API')
urlpatterns = [
# url(r'^$', schema_view),
That's it.