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Laravel Rule ignore and deleted_at null

I have a validation rule in my update function

Rule currently selects unique from deleted rows.

I have row soft deleted.

Validation Rule should ignore soft delete and check unique and also ignore updating the same row

return [
           'attribute_type_id' => 'required',
           'name' => [
           'order' => 'integer|nullable'

This is my update rule

I have added deleted_at rule in create function

return [
           'attribute_type_id' => 'required',
           'name' => 'bail|required|unique:attributes,deleted_at,NULL',
           'order' => 'integer|nullable'

But not able to do it in update function.

Can somebody help.


  • You can put a condition in Rule,

    use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
    'name' => Rule::unique('attributes')->where(function ($query) {
        return $query->whereNull('deleted_at');