I use Tailwind-css and React and want to hide div-element after 2 seconds. The user press the button and a snackbar apears for 2 sec to show that the suggestion was sent. I use setTimeout but it is not correct variant. Function Snackbar get props whether snackbar open (snackbar = true), message on the snackbar (suggestResponse.message) and should sent if snackbarClose (false)
const SnackbarResult = ({
}: ISnackbarProps) => {
if (snackbar) {
setTimeout(() => snackbarClose, 2000);
if (!snackbar) return null;
return (
<div className="bg-green-500 fixed right-2 bottom-1 font-medium p-2 md:p-5">
You should put setTimeout
inside the useEffect so you can clear the timeout when component re-render or un mount.
useEffect(() => {
if (snackbar) {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => snackbarClose(), 2000);
return () => {
}, [snackbar]);