I am drawing circles around a location point in the MapField like in the code given below:
public void drawCircleMap(int [] radius)
int i = 0;
Graphics graphics = null;
int x2,y2;
bmparr = new Bitmap[radius.length];
for(int j=0;j<radius.length;j++)
XYPoint fieldOut = new XYPoint();
convertWorldToField(mPoints[1], fieldOut);
x2 = fieldOut.x;
y2 = fieldOut.y;
bmparr[i] = new Bitmap(getWidth(), getHeight());
graphics = Graphics.create( bmparr[i]);
graphics.drawEllipse(x2, y2, x2+radius[j], y2, x2,y2+radius[j], 0, 360);
graphics.fillEllipse(x2, y2, x2+radius[j], y2, x2,y2+radius[j], 0, 360);
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
for(int i =0 ;i < bmparr.length;i++)
graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, bmparr[i].getWidth(), bmparr[i].getHeight(), bmparr[i], 0, 0);
I want to draw 4 circles, now as i draw more number of circles, the map seems to fade out, Can someone please tell me how i could solve this issue?
I have solved this problem by drawing a transparent background for every bitmap:
bmparr = new Bitmap[radius.length];
for(int j=0;j<radius.length;j++)
XYPoint fieldOut = new XYPoint();
convertWorldToField(mPoints[1], fieldOut);
x2 = fieldOut.x;
y2 = fieldOut.y;
bmparr[i] = new Bitmap(getWidth(), getHeight());
int[] argb = new int[getWidth() * getHeight()];
bmparr[i].getARGB(argb, 0, getWidth(), 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
for(int k = 0; k < argb.length; k++)
argb[k] = 0x00000000;
bmparr[i].setARGB(argb, 0, getWidth(), 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
graphics = Graphics.create( bmparr[i]);
graphics.drawEllipse(x2, y2, x2+radius[j], y2, x2,y2+radius[j], 0, 360);
graphics.fillEllipse(x2, y2, x2+radius[j], y2, x2,y2+radius[j], 0, 360);