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In node on Windows 10, how can I get a list of all the voices installed?

I've tried using say js with the following code:

 let voices = await say.getInstalledVoices((e, v) => {console.log(v)});
  console.log('voices=', voices);

Although the console.log in the callback function returns an array of voices, the voices variable returns a null.

I've had a go at wrapping the call in a promise and got a similar result.

Surely there's a simple one line way of getting those voices? I'm happy to use something other than say to do so.


  • You should not use await for the method. The method say.getInstalledVoices returns void

    Just use the following syntax to get a list of the available voices:

    const say = require('say');
    function getVoices() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        say.getInstalledVoices((err, voice) => {
          return resolve(voice)
    async function usingVoices() {
      const voicesList = await getVoices();

    You can use the following syntax and do whatever you want to in usingVoices() method