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How to create custom FluentAssertion error messages?

I have a test that looks something like this:

using (new AssertionScope())
    foreach (var parameterType in parameterTypes)
        var fooType = typeof(IFoo<>);
        var genericType = providerType.MakeGenericType(parameterType);

            .NotBeNull($"all Foo types should be registered");

Test failure results in this message:

Expected serviceProvider.GetService(genericProviderType) not to be <null> because all Foo types should be registered.

However, I would like the message to say:

Expected IFoo<MyParameter> not to be <null> because all Foo types should be registered.

(I already have a method to prettify the typename - type.GetPrettyName)

Going by the documentation and source code, it looks like I need to find a way to modify the Subject/Identifier (not 100% sure) but I can't find a way to do that.

I also tried using a Lazy context function in the AssertionScope constructor but this results in a modified closure.


  • using (new AssertionScope())
        foreach (var parameterType in parameterTypes)
            var fooType = typeof(IFoo<>);
            var genericType = providerType.MakeGenericType(parameterType);
            using _ = new AssertionScope(fooType.GetPrettyName());
                .NotBeNull($"all Foo types should be registered");