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How to pass RequestParam in POST request using REST Assured

Here is Dev rest client POST request sudocode

public ResponseDTO upload(@RequestParam("metadata") String metaData, 
    @RequestParam(name="file" , required=false) MultipartFile[] multiPartFiles) 

I am trying to create a POST request using restassured. Below is my code of step definitation

 public void havePostCall(String endpoint) {
            String url = be.getBaseUrl()+endpoint;
            FileInputStream fisFile = new FileInputStream(new File("Path of the json file"));
            String reqPayload = IOUtils.toString(fisFile,"UTF-8");
            Response rs = RestAssured.given().header("Authorization","value of token") 

                .response () 
           System.out.print("Response is ==" + rs.asString())

as we can see dev rest client upload method is expecting Request Param in the POST Request and in my Rest assured code I am passing the same but I still keep on getting BAD request. When I check with dev they say pass body as a Request Param. Can some one please help me what wrong I am doing in my step definiation code? Strugging quite long time any help much appreciated.


  • This has been resolved. The issue was the key which is passing in queryParam.

    Response rs = RestAssured.given().header("Authorization","value of token") 
        .response () 
    System.out.print("Response is ==" + rs.asString())