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how can I make Flutter graphql subscription work with ferry package?

I have a graphql api with apollo-server. I tested all queries, mutations and subscriptions with Graphql Playground.

I am developing the client app in Flutter using Ferry package as grapqhl client. All queries and mutations work fine, but subscriptions don't.

When sending a subscription request the websocket connection is established, however the subscription is not started. I tested the subscription on the Graphql Playground and the connection request messages looks like this

Graphql Playground network panel

but with ferry client it get stuck on connection_init

Flutter Web app network panel

var link = WebSocketLink(
      initialPayload: {"subscriptionParam": arg},
var client = Client(link: link);
client.request(request).listen((data) {//request is an object from autogenerated class from ferry
      log(data.toString());//never gets here
    }, onError: (error, stack) {
      log("Subscription error: " + error.toString());

What is wrong in my code? Help please!


  • So guys I solved my problem, the issue was related to link not sending Sec-WebSocket-Protocol:graphql-ws on connection request headers. So I change the link initialization to:

    final link = WebSocketLink(
          null, //Global.graphqlWsServerUrl,
          autoReconnect: true,
          reconnectInterval: Duration(seconds: 1),
          initialPayload: {"subscriptionParam": arg},
          channelGenerator: () => WebSocketChannel.connect(Uri.parse(Global.graphqlWsServerUrl), protocols: ['graphql-ws']),