I'm following this tutorial to create my component. In my usecase I'd need to add a Java element to a slot inside a vaadin-overlay.
<vaadin-overlay id="myOverlay">
<slot name="myslot"></slot>
I guess there is some sort of timing problem because when I try to add a component to that slot it is not shown.
Component component = ...
component.getElement().setAttribute("slot", "myslot");
Or is that not possible within an overlay?
Update 31/08/2021: There is now a code sample in the sampler for you to test and see
Update 09/09/2021: I've now completely rewritten the whole component to litelement and updated the sampler. It is working as far as I can see, but... still a bit slow.
Vaadin overlay, once opened, teleports the contents to the 'real' overlay element (the one that's shown) - created outside any shadowRoot. It seems this is a frequent issue, it turns out that it is not possible to use slots inside an overlay (https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-dialog/issues/11 ).
As for the "dropdownEndSlot", for example for vcf-autosuggest component it has been overcome like this:
<div id="dropdownEndSlot" part="dropdown-end-slot"></div>
and then filled in the backend.
@Id(value = "dropdownEndSlot")
private Element dropdownEndSlot;
public void clearDropdownEndSlot() {
dropdownEndSlot.getStyle().set("display", "none");
public void setComponentToDropdownEndSlot(Component component) {
dropdownEndSlot.getStyle().set("display", "block");
It is not a perfect solution though, but something like this might do it:
public class TestView extends VerticalLayout {
public TestView() {
CustomComponent cc = new CustomComponent();
Div testElement = new Div(new Span("IT WORKED !!!!"));
public class CustomComponent extends LitTemplate {
@Id(value = "overlay")
private Element overlay;
@Id(value = "slot001")
private Element slot;
public void openOverlay() {
overlay.setAttribute("opened", "true");
public void addSlot001Content(Component component) {
import { LitElement, html, customElement } from 'lit-element';
export class CustomComponent extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<vaadin-overlay id="overlay">
<div id="slot001"></div>