My core location request worked and I was able to authorize location always..
Now I want to test the flow again but the popup doesn't appear anymore.
I cleaned the build, tried with iPhone simulator, etc but nothing works
Is there a way to reset core Location to request location AGAIN so I can test multiple scenarios?
Button(action: {
//save username (to create user once we have password and email
if localizationModel.authorizationState == .notDetermined {
// If undetermined, show onboarding
goWhenTrue = false
else if localizationModel.authorizationState == .authorizedAlways ||
localizationModel.authorizationState == .authorizedWhenInUse {
// If approved, show home view
goWhenTrue = true
else {
// If denied show denied view
Welcome to Stack Overflow! There are two ways to accomplish this. You can go into the simulator and simply switch permissions to "Ask Next Time" under Privacy > Location Services. However, if you want to start from scratch, you can reset the simulator under the Simulator Menu Device > Erase All Contents and Settings….