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ZwQueryDirectoryFile Buffer Overflow

I am trying to write Windows driver code to scan a directory for file names:

HANDLE directory_handle;
FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION directory_information;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK io_status_block;
NTSTATUS status;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES directory_attributes;
InitializeObjectAttributes(&directory_attributes                   ,
                           &directory_name                         ,
                           OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,
                           0                                       ,
                           0                                       );
status = ZwCreateFile(&directory_handle                                 ,
                      FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY | SYNCHRONIZE                 ,
                      &directory_attributes                             ,
                      &io_status_block                                  ,
                      0                                                 ,
                      0                                                 ,
                      FILE_SHARE_VALID_FLAGS                            ,
                      FILE_OPEN                                         ,
                      0                                                 ,
                      0                                                 );
status = ZwQueryDirectoryFile(directory_handle             ,
                              NULL                         ,
                              0                            ,
                              0                            ,
                              &io_status_block             ,
                              &directory_information       ,
                              FileBothDirectoryInformation ,
                              TRUE                         ,
                              NULL                         ,
                              FALSE                        );
status = ZwQueryDirectoryFile(directory_handle             ,
                              NULL                         ,
                              0                            ,
                              0                            ,
                              &io_status_block             ,
                              &directory_information       ,
                              FileBothDirectoryInformation ,
                              TRUE                         ,
                              NULL                         ,
                              FALSE                        );

The first call to ZwQueryDirectoryFile() returns a STATUS_SUCCESS (0x00000000) result, but the second call returns a status of STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW (0x80000005). Do you know what might cause this buffer-overflow error?

Thank you.


  • STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW indicates that the buffer isn't big enough to return the full filename (however we know the buffer is big enough for at least the base structure, else STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL).

    What's happening here is the first call successfully returned the "." entry (as there is room in the base structure for a single character filename), but the second call failed with STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW because the buffer isn't big enough for the ".." entry.