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Performing Case Specific Edits in For Loop in R

I have survey data that require several case specific recodes that I need to perform, but I want to avoid creating a new line of code for each and every recode (because there will be dozens). I am hoping there is a way I can recode the data using a crosswalk that only recodes the value for which is required based on the su_id and the Q# that needs the recode.

su_id <- 100001:100010
Q1 <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6)
Q2 <- c(2, 4, 6, 4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 6, 5)

data <- data.frame(su_id, Q1, Q2)

su_id <- c( 100004, 100010, 100003, 100006, 100009)
var <- c("Q1", "Q1", "Q2", "Q2", "Q2")
newVal <- c(4, 4, 5, 5, 5)

cw <- data.frame(su_id, var, newVal)

    su_id Q1 Q2
1  100001  1  2
2  100002  2  4
3  100003  5  6
4  100004  6  4
5  100005  2  3
6  100006  3  6
7  100007  4  2
8  100008  2  1
9  100009  1  6
10 100010  6  5

   su_id var newVal
1 100004  Q1      4
2 100010  Q1      4
3 100003  Q2      5
4 100006  Q2      5
5 100009  Q2      5

I started trying to iterate on something like this, but obviously this won't do the trick, but hopefully this gives an idea of what I am trying to accomplish. Can anyone advise on how/if this is possible?

su_idToChange <- cw$su_id
varToChange <- cw$var
newValToChange <- cw$newVal

for(i in su_idToChange) {
  data_new <- data %>%
    mutate(across(all_of(varToChange), case_when(su_id %in% su_idToChange
             ~ coalesce(deframe(cw[cw$var == "Q1" | cw$var == "Q2", ][-1])[.], .))))

Thank you!


  • If I understood your question right, you are trying to perform something like this:

    my_change_fun <- function(data, cw) {
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(cw))) {
        data[data$su_id == cw[i, 1], cw[i, 2]] <- cw[i, 3]
    my_change_fun(data, cw)
    #>     su_id Q1 Q2
    #> 1  100001  1  2
    #> 2  100002  2  4
    #> 3  100003  5  5
    #> 4  100004  4  4
    #> 5  100005  2  3
    #> 6  100006  3  5
    #> 7  100007  4  2
    #> 8  100008  2  1
    #> 9  100009  1  5
    #> 10 100010  4  5

    Created on 2021-08-30 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)