I am writing a kid sister encryption function and I need a PRNG that produces consistent results across OSes (so no floating point math, taking advantage of hardware, or system level software). It would be nice, but not necessary, for the PRNG had a period longer than 230.
I am currently using a 32 bit Xorshift:
use strict;
use warnings;
use integer; #use integer math
my $x = 123456789;
my $y = 362436069;
my $w = 88675123;
my $z = 521288629;
sub set_random_seed {
$w = shift;
sub random {
my $t = $x ^ ($x << 11);
$x = $y;
$y = $z;
$z = $w;
my $rand = $w = ($w ^ ($w >> 19)) ^ ($t ^ ($t >> 8));
return $rand % 256; #scale it back to a byte at a time
print map { random(), "\n" } 1 .. 10;
But I am worried because I don't really understand how it works. For example, the original source did not have an ability to set the seed, so I added one, but I don't know if I chose the correct variable for the seed.
So, all of that boils down to
Math::Random::Auto is a CPAN module implementing the well-known Mersenne twister PRNG.