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Laravel many-to-many polymorphic relationships sql error while seeding

Hello mine foreach loop returns a Call to a member function bookmarkItems() on int, when I try to seed mine database. I don't understand what I am missing laravel docs poly relation I have setup the relationsships like this and then when I am trying to save the new bookmarkitem is returns the error. stack overflow post about saving I have tried save or attach but both return the same error I don't see what I am missing in the code.


After seeing that Post::all()->random()->id should have beem Post::all()->random() it returns this error

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'bookmarks_id' doesn't have a 
default value (SQL: insert into `bookmark_items` (`bookmark_items_id`, 
`bookmark_items_type`) values (5, App\Models\Post))

What means when attaching or saving the new bookmarkitem it doesnt add the $bookmarkItems->bookmarks_id = Bookmark::all()->random()->id; cause its not inserting that in the database while im setting it before saving the new bookmark item in the database?


    Schema::create('bookmark_items', function (Blueprint $table) {


class Post extends Model
    public function bookmarkItems()
         return $this->morphToMany(BookmarkItems::class, 'bookmark_items');

class Comment extends Model
     public function bookmarkItems()
        return $this->morphToMany(BookmarkItems::class, 'bookmark_items');

class BookmarkItems extends Model

    public function posts(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany
        return $this->morphedByMany(Post::class, 'bookmark_items');

    public function comments(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany
        return $this->morphedByMany(Comment::class, 'bookmark_items');

Foreach function

   foreach ((range(1, 6)) as $index) {
       $post = Post::all()->random()->id;
       $bookmarkItems = new BookmarkItems();
       $bookmarkItems->bookmarks_id = Bookmark::all()->random()->id;



    $post->bookmarkItem()->attach($bookmarkItem, ['bookmarks_id' => Bookmark::all()->random()->id]);

    just had to give the additional data to be inserted like this bookmarks_id so the end result would be like this

    foreach ((range(1, 6)) as $index) {
            $post = Post::all()->random();
            $bookmarkItem = new BookmarkItem();
            $post->bookmarkItem()->attach($bookmarkItem, ['bookmarks_id' => Bookmark::all()->random()->id]);