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Comparing the first and last character of a string in python

first_and_last function returns True if the first letter of the string is the same as the last letter of the string, False if they’re different, by accessing characters using message[0] or message[-1]. While checking the condition for an empty string I get tihis error:

Error on line 2:
    if message[0] == message[1] :
IndexError: string index out of range

I dont understand why am I getting this error. Here's my code below:

 def first_and_last(message):
        if message[0] == message[-1] or len(message) == 0:
            return True
            return False


  • or stops evaluating operands on the first truthy operand. Hence, you must check the message length first in order to avoid the indexed access into the empty string:

    def first_and_last(message):
        if len(message) == 0 or message[0] == message[-1]:
            return True
        return False

    Or shorter:

    def first_and_last(message):
        return not message or message[0] == message[-1]