I have some complex entities in my context.
DbSet<EntityA> AEntities { get; set; }
DbSet<EntityB> BEntities { get; set; }
where EntityA
inherits EntityB
(it's a superset of it). There is a column Discriminator
that was created by Entity Framework to distinguish between the 2. Up to here, no problem.
EntityA also has an Owned Type:
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>().OwnsOne(p => p.OwnedThing,
ot =>
// ot......;
As long as I use only EF to query the database, it's still all right.
But then for performance reasons I need to query an BEntities with a SQL Stored Proc.
// ...
return await BEntities.FromSqlInterpolated($"EXEC GetManyRecords @Id = {id}").ToListAsync();
That also worked before introducing the Owned Entity in EntityA. Now I get a 'FromSqlRaw' or 'FromSqlInterpolated' was called with non-composable SQL and with a query composing over it.
error. The error is thrown as soon as I try the .ToQueryString() method.
I have tried modifying the Stored Proc to Left Join the Owned Type but it doesn't change a thing. In fact the query is never formed and never sent to the DB server. So I have to tell EF Core in a way or another how to deal with the Owned Type (that is not even part of this Entity, but a related one).
My only other option is to re-design completely my schema to removed the Owned Type but I am hoping I can avoid that.
Thanks in advance.
As kindly pointed out by @IvanStoev, the way to go is to use a Table-Valued-Function instead of a Stored Proc, in SQL.