I am trying to use the Iot.Device.Bmxx80 library for a very simple project with my ESP32-WROOM development board. However, I am unable to deploy and run it on my system, because the system seems not to be able to load the necessary assemblies on the device.
To reproduce it, just create a new blank .NET nanoframework project and add the following NuGet packages (the default program is sufficent - no need to change it):
After that, just run the application on the microcontroller.
In the output tab, I get the following error output, after all libraries are deployed to it:
Link failure: some assembly references cannot be resolved!!
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.Pressure' (
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.Temperature' (
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.RelativeHumidity' (
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.Length' (
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.Duration' (
Assembly: Iot.Device.Bmxx80 ( needs assembly 'UnitsNet.ElectricResistance' (
Error: a3000000
Waiting for debug commands...
The program '[1] .NET nanoFramework application: Managed' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
As already mentioned by Jose, it was a bug that was fixed in the mentioned GitHub issue. The code is working fine now.