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JSR-223 - Where to find ScriptServlet?

I'm confused as to where exactly I should find com.sun.script.http.ScriptServlet that I've seen in numerous samples across the web.

Is JSR-223 included in JDK 1.6? I've seen people talk about a reference implementation, but the only working link on Oracle's site doesn't seem to include such a class. My non-local environment also uses OpenJDK, which I doubt would have any Sun implementation of JSR-223 anyway! In this case where can I get it from? I'm not even sure what 'it' is in this scenario :/

I want to be able to use PHP as a view technology, invoked from a Servlet. I gather JSR-223 was designed with this sort fo usage in mind, but I'm struggling to figure out


One guide in particular ( mentions invocation of PHP via JNI, which sounds ideal. If there's something in existence as part of the final spec that'd allow me to do this via Servlet, I'd be a very happy bunny.


  • It's available here. Below is an extract of relevance:

    Previously, Ludo and Arun described how to run PHP 5 on GlassFish using Quercus, see here and here. However, it is also possible to invoke the native PHP engine on Glassfish, using jsr223 and a PHP bridge. The following steps should work on Sparc Solaris 10.

    • Download script.jar and drop it into <glassfish>/lib.
    • Download, save it as and drop it into <glassfish>/lib.
    • Download phptest.war and deploy in Glassfish.
    • Run the PHP on http://localhost:8080/phptest/hello.php.

    The class you mentioned is contained in the script.jar file.