I am writing a pandas dataframe to google sheets using gspread:
from gspread_formatting import *
import gspread
from df2gspread import df2gspread as d2g
import pandas as pd
d2g.upload(data, sheet.id, 'test_name', clean=True, credentials=creds, col_names=True, row_names=False)
While the pandas dataframe is rounded to 2
decimal points the value in google sheets sometimes have more than that.
a b
100.56 600.79
Result in google sheets:
aa b
100.5616 600.79
And I can't find any information how I can round a value using python gspread API.
If you get the worksheet element you can use format to achieve what you want.
sh = gc.open("sheet_name")
worksheet = sh.get_worksheet(0) # your sheet number
worksheet.format('A', {'numberFormat': {'type' : 'NUMBER', 'pattern': '0.0#'}})