I have this sheet with a list of items. I want to concat the columns with products B:K
into one column and to automatically run this function for all non-empty rows.
I've tried to use arrayformula
with textjoin
, but it just copies the same rows multiple times.
How can I do this?
Try this in cell L1
=arrayformula({"Name","Items";A2:A,regexreplace(regexreplace(trim(flatten(query(transpose(B2:K)&",","",9^9))),"[\ ,]+$",),",\ ",",")})
Or this to not remove spaces after the commas:
=arrayformula({"Name","Items";A2:A,regexreplace(trim(flatten(query(transpose(B2:K)&",","",9^9))),"[\ ,]+$",)})
If you've got spaces in your product names, or gaps between products (horizontally), then use:
=arrayformula({"Name","Items";A2:A,regexreplace(regexreplace(trim(flatten(query(transpose(B2:K)&",","",9^9))),"[,\ ]{2,}",", "),"[,\ ]+$",)})