After adding the auth:api middleware, my route suddenly stops calling the function it is supposed to. When I remove the middleware, it starts working again.
api.php route
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/addloancontroller', [\App\Http\Controllers\AddLoan::class, 'store'])
AddLoan.php Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\EarningsRecord;
use App\Models\Lender;
use App\Models\LoanLenders;
use App\Models\Loans;
use App\Models\Login;
use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class AddLoan extends Controller
public function store(Request $request) {
'amount' => 'required',
'startDate' => 'required',
'endDate' => 'required',
'dateLoanSigned' => 'required',
'interestRate' => 'required',
'interestPaymentPeriod' => 'required',
'interest_only_period' => 'required',
'active' => 'required',
'loanType' => 'required',
'fName' => 'required',
'lName' => 'required',
'earnings' => 'required',
'irdNum' => 'required',
'bankAccNum' => 'required',
'address' => 'required',
'phone' => 'required',
$company_id = $request->user();
$loan = Loans::create([
'companies_id' => $company_id,
'amount' => $request->amount,
'startDate' => $request->startDate,
'endDate' => $request->endDate,
'dateCreated' => $request->dateLoanSigned,
'interestRate' => $request->interestRate,
'interestPaymentPeriod' => $request->interestPaymentPeriod,
'interestOnlyPeriod' => $request->interestOnlyPeriod,
'active' => $request->active,
'refinanced' => 0,
'loanType' => $request->loanType
$lender = Lender::create([
'fName' => $request->fName,
'lName' => $request->lName,
'annualEarnings' => $request->earnings,
'irdNum' => $request->irdNum,
'bankAccNum' => $request-> bankAccNum,
'address' => $request-> address,
'phone' => $request->phone,
'loginID' => null
$taxAmount = DB::table('tax_rates')
->where('minAmount', '<', $request->earnings)
->where('maxAmount', '>', $request->earnings);
$loanLender = LoanLenders::create([
'loansID' => $loan->id,
'lenderID' => $lender->id,
'companyID' => $company_id,
'taxAmount' => $taxAmount->id
$earningsReport = EarningsRecord::create([
'lenderID' => $lender->id,
'annualEarnings' => $lender->annualEarnings,
'dateRecorded' => date('d-m-Y')
return redirect(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);
The route is called as a action in a form:
<form method="GET" action="{{ route('addLoan') }}">
The reason all of my validation is just looking for 'required' is because I wanted to make sure it wasn't validation failing and just not producing a error.
What happens when I submit the form?
When I submit the form and the route has the middleware attached to it, it simply redirects me back to the home screen.
I have already run:
php artisan cache:clear
composer dump-autoload
Authentication Token
As explained in the laravel documentation, I have already added the api_token column to the migration file for the User (in my case, I use the Login model for authentication). Below is the line in the migration file where I add that column:
$table->string('api_token', 80)->unique()->nullable()->default(null);
This is the line in the documentation:
Schema::table('users', function ($table) {
$table->string('api_token', 80)->after('password')
When I create the model object, I make the authenticated token by doing so:
'api_token' => Str::random(60)
When I check the database, I see that the api_token successfully has been added so I not sure to what the issue could be.
(The documentation link I used is here)
You have defined a route in your api
routes file and protected it with the auth:api
middleware (which is commonly Passport
), yet you are calling the route from an HTML form
which is not how you would typically consume an api
I assume you're just looking to protect routes accessed via web pages within your application, therefore I suggest you research one of the web
based authentication mechanisms for Laravel such as Fortify
or if you don't want to roll your own views, either Jetstream
or Breeze
Tokens are used in conjunction with an api
, the workflow you've currently implemented (a web form) is a web
workflow so using api tokens
is not recommended.
The Auth
facade is available in controller as long as a user
is authenticated and works for both the web
and api
If you install either Breeze
or Jetstream
, which I would recommend over Fortify
if you're just starting out, you will be able to use the auth
middleware to protect your routes requiring users
to authenticate themselves (login) in order to access a protected route. This then means that when a user
has authenticated and you process a request in your controller Auth::id()
will return the id
of the authenticated user