I'm trying to pass a Python list of tuples ( ex : [(1, '1€'), (5, '5€')]
) in my init.sls
It's a config file for my Django web server, and the config at some point need to retrieve this list of tuple from this file.
I tried the followings :
amount_choices: [(1, '1€'), (5, '5€')]
- !!python/tuple : [1, '1€']
amount_choices: {% set amount_choice = (1, '1€') %}
None of them worked as intended, at best the value is None whith the last proposition.
How can I insert my list of tuples into a sls file that uses the Jinja2 templates ?
Thank you very much
Back here to post the solution :
in init.sls :
"5 euros": 5
"10 euros": 10
"25 euros": 25
"Montant libre": 0
in the settings_local.py built by saltstack :
{% for key, value in amount_choices.items() -%}
( {{ value }}, "{{ key }}" ),
{% endfor -%}
By constructing a dict and artificially recreating a tuple, we managed to get our way. Maybe better solutions are available, but I'm leaving this if anyone has the same problem someday.