Follow the liitledog tutorial, I want to optimize a jump motion with the center of mass com
, comdot
, comddot
, spatial momentum H
, Hdot
, contact force f
, as the decision variables(remove the position and velocity q
and v
I want to add a constrain that Hdot = sum_i cross(p_WF_i-com, f_i)
, p_WF
is the fix contact point (four points). I tried follow the littledog with
def angular_momentum_constraint(vars, context_index):
com, Hdot, contact_force = np.split(vars, [3, 6])
contact_force = contact_force.reshape(3, 4, order='F')
if isinstance(vars[0], AutoDiffXd):
torque = np.zeros(3)
for i in range(4):
p_WF = plant.CalcPointsPositions(plant_context, foot_frame[i], [0,0,0], plant.world_frame())
Jq_WF = plant.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity(
plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot,
foot_frame[i], [0, 0, 0], plant.world_frame(), plant.world_frame())
ad_p_WF = initializeAutoDiffGivenGradientMatrix(p_WF, np.hstack((Jq_WF, np.zeros((3, 18)))))
torque = torque + np.cross(ad_p_WF.reshape(3) - com, contact_force[:,i])
torque = np.zeros(3)
for i in range(4):
p_WF = plant.CalcPointsPositions(plant_context, foot_frame[i], [0,0,0], plant.world_frame())
torque += np.cross(p_WF.reshape(3) - com, contact_force[:,i])
return Hdot - torque
But the prog will always reach the iterations limit (1e6) adding this constrain. My question is:
as there is no q
and v
in the mathematicalprogram?Here is the source code, thanks for any advices!
Since q
and v
are not your decision variables any more, you don't need to compute the Jacobian of p_WF. I would rewrite the code block
Jq_WF = plant.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity(
plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot,
foot_frame[i], [0, 0, 0], plant.world_frame(), plant.world_frame())
ad_p_WF = initializeAutoDiffGivenGradientMatrix(p_WF, np.hstack((Jq_WF, np.zeros((3, 18)))))
torque = torque + np.cross(ad_p_WF.reshape(3) - com, contact_force[:,i])
torque = torque + np.cross(p_WF.reshape(3) - com, contact_force[:, i])
where p_WF is fixed point in the world frame. (So don't call p_WF = plant.CalcPointsPositions(plant_context, foot_frame[i], [0,0,0], plant.world_frame())
within that function angular_momentum_constraint
, as the value of p_WF is doesn't depend on the input to that function.