Search code examples

Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch error on displaying data from JSON Array

I'm getting stuck with the Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch error on displaying data from JSON Array.
Getting stuck at the home3.Cells(vp, 8) = item41("nonVariableListPrice"). I'm trying many different ways and methods by researching google and still unable to solve the problem. May I know if this is a JSON converter problem?
However I'm able to call the other array data from another API without any errors...

Kindly please refer to the below code:

vp = 7

Lastrow2 = Noutput.Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row

For id = 2 To Lastrow2 'make a loop call for OpenBasket API
    If Cells(id, 6).Value <> "sn?pshot" Then
         Dim strUrl62 As String
        'For search quote service API-Step1
        strUrl62 = Cells(id, 6).Value
        'create a method for calling HTTP services
        Set hReq62 = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
            With hReq62
                .Open "GET", strUrl62, blnAsync, False
                'Set the headers for bypassing the API service.
                .SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" & authKey
                While hReq62.ReadyState <> 4
                'wrap the response in a JSON root tag "data" to count returned objects
                strResponse62 = hReq62.ResponseText

            End With
        Dim Json61 As Object
        Set Json61 = JsonConverter.ParseJson(strResponse62)
    For Each check41 In Json61
        If check41 = "nonVariableListPrice" Then
        For Each item41 In Json61
            **home3.Cells(vp, 8) = item41("nonVariableListPrice")**
            Debug.Print item41
    Next item41
        home3.Cells(vp, 8).Value = "NO DATA"
    End If
    Next check41
    vp = vp + 1

Error line of code
JSON Structure
Runtime Error '1004'
"Left" unexpected VS "Right"expected Output in Excel

Example JSON:

        "associatedItems": [],
        "associatedTiedItems": [],
        "baseSkuClass": "XZ050",
        "baseSkuClassDescription": "CYBERSENSE SUBSCRIPTION",
        "baseSkuNumber": "210-AXQX",
        "brandId": "1263",
        "buildToStock": false,
        "catalogId": 18,
        "categories": [
                "name": "CONFIG",
                "id": "root",
                "parentCategoryId": "-1",
                "description": "CONFIG"
        "taxes": [],
        "type": "OrderCode",
        "weight": 0.0,
        "catalogSystemUri": "CFG",
        "allowChangeQuantity": true,
        "familyName": "CyberSense",
        "shipsWith": false,
        "nonVariableListPrice": 147876.912,
        "nonVariableCost": 0.0,
        "catalogCurrency": "USD",
        "nonVariableCurrency": "USD",
        "nonVariableHedgeRateUsed": 1.0,
        "isVariablePriced": true,
        "validationResult": {
            "isValid": true,
            "message": []


  • item41 is a key in the dictionary Json61 and not itself a Dictionary object, so you get an error here:

    home3.Cells(vp, 8) = item41("nonVariableListPrice")

    You don't need to loop and check the names of the keys, since Dictionary has an Exists method:

    Dim Json61 As Object
    Set Json61 = JsonConverter.ParseJson(strResponse62)
    If Json61.Exists("nonVariableListPrice") Then
        home3.Cells(vp, 8).Value = Json61("nonVariableListPrice")
        home3.Cells(vp, 8).Value = "NO DATA"
    End If

    Slightly cleaner using a utility function:

    home3.Cells(vp, 8).Value = ValueOrDefault(Json61, "nonVariableListPrice", "NO DATA")


    Function ValueOrDefault(dict as object, k, default)
        If dict.Exists(k) Then
            ValueOrDefault = dict(k)
            ValueOrDefault = default
        End If
    End Function