I've made an application that uses the obs virtual camera and I want to distribute it to my friends. The problem is that my friends are lazy and aren't bothering to install obs manually. I was hoping that I could install obs through the program itself so everything would be set up for them automatically. Is there a way to do this?
For fully automated install, you can use this script:
import os
import zipfile
os.system("curl https://github.com/CatxFish/obs-virtual-cam/releases/download/2.0.4/OBS-VirtualCam2.0.4.zip -L -o OBS-VirtualCam2.0.4.zip")
with zipfile.ZipFile("OBS-VirtualCam2.0.4.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:
zip_ref.extractall("C:/Program Files/")
os.system('regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\OBS-VirtualCam\bin\32bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"')
os.system('regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\OBS-VirtualCam\bin\64bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"')
full install using cmd tutorial can be found in obs-studio github page
This script does this using python.