I want to detect a specific word or multiple words within the user's entered text and reply accordingly. I plan to add more words to detect but for now I've been using this. My result is finalKey.contains is not a function.
<p1 id="iOut">🧰</p1>
<input id="uIn" value=""></input>
<button onclick="regis()">SUBMIT</button>
var key = document.getElementById("uIn").value;
var finalKey = key.toUpperCase();
function regis() {
if (finalKey.contains("Hi" || "H")) {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "HEY";
} else if (finalKey.contains("Bye" || "Goodbye")) {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "Okay";
} else {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "🧰 Try again";
There is no such thing as contains. It is .includes
or indexOf != -1
Your gathering of values needs to be inside the function too
Also you cannot test two values in one statement unless you turn it around and use an array:
["Hi","H"].indexOf(finalKey) !=-1
["HI","H"].filter(text => finalKey.startsWith(text)).length > 0
if you want finalkey to start with either - use .includes if you want to test the complete input
Lastly you uppercased the text so compare uppercase text
function regis() {
var key = document.getElementById("uIn").value;
var finalKey = key.toUpperCase();
if (["HI","H"].filter(text => finalKey.includes(text)).length > 0) {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "HEY";
} else
if (["BYE","GOODBYE"].filter(text => finalKey.includes(text)).length > 0) {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "Okay";
} else // GOOD has to be AFTER GOODBYE to not catch it
if (["GOOD","GREAT"].filter(text => finalKey.includes(text)).length > 0) {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "That's Good";
} else {
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = "🧰 Try again";
<p1 id="iOut">🧰</p1>
<input id="uIn" value="" />
<button type="button" onclick="regis()">SUBMIT</button>
Using regular expression and word boundaries
Note I wrapped in a form, now you can just hit enter too
const wordList = [
{ list: ["HI", "H"], answer: "HEY" },
{ list: ["BYE", "GOODBYE"], answer: "Okay" },
{ list: ["GOOD", "GREAT"], answer: "That's good" }
const defaultText = "🧰 Try again";
document.getElementById("inputForm").addEventListener("submit", e => {
const input = document.getElementById("uIn").value.trim().toUpperCase();
let result = wordList
.filter(({ list, answer }) => list
.filter(word => new RegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b").test(input))
.length > 0);
document.getElementById("iOut").innerHTML = result.length > 0 ? result[0].answer : defaultText;
<p1 id="iOut">🧰</p1>
<form id="inputForm">
<input id="uIn" value="" />