Given a table like:
id key val
---- ---- -----
bob hair red
bob eyes green
And another table like:
id key val
---- ---- -----
fred hair red
fred eyes green
fred shoe 42
joe hair red
joe eyes green
greg eyes blue
greg hair brown
I'd like to find people in table b who match people in table a exactly, in this case Bob and Joe. Fred doesn't count because he also has a shoe size. This is in Sybase so there's no full outer join. I've come up with a select of a select with a union that returns people who definitely aren't the same, but I'm not sure how to efficiently select people who are.
Alternatively, if it's simpler, how can I check which groups in a occur in b more than once?
Try this
from a
join b on a.[key] = b.[key] and a.val = b.val -- match all rows
join (select id,count(*) total from a group by id) a2 on = -- get the total keys for table a per id
join (select id,count(*) total from b group by id) b2 on = -- get the total keys for table b per id
group by,,,
having count(*) = AND count(*) = -- the matching row's total should be equal with each tables keys per id
After comments I made a revision of the original sql code. In this case i count each distinct pair/value that matches on both tables, with each tables distinct pair/value.
select td.aid,
from (
select as aid, as bid, count(distinct a.[key]+' '+a.val) total
from a
join b on a.[kry] = b.[key] and a.val = b.val
group by,
) td -- match all distinct attribute rows
join (select id,count(distinct [key]+' '+val) total from a group by id) a2 on td.aid = -- get the total distinct keys for table a per id
join (select id,count(distinct [key]+' '+val) total from b group by id) b2 on = -- get the total keys for table b per id
where = AND = -- the matching distinct attribute total should be equal with each tables distinct key-val pair
Tested on
Table a
bob hair red
bob eyes green
nick hair red
nick eyes green
nick shoe 45
Table b
fred hair red
fred eyes green
joe hair red
joe eyes green
fred shoe 42