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Extract Strings Using AWS Athena or PrestoDB Regex Function

I have a table named


and column named


whose value is like this

I trying to extract all strings after '/' OR '?' OR '%7C' OR '&'

I am able to extract it individually but not all 4 together

SELECT regexp_extract_all(url, '\d+[/]*')
FROM logs.url
WHERE request_verb='GET'
        AND REGEXP_LIKE(url, '');

I am looking for output like below



  • You can use regexp_split(str, regexp) function, as a regexp pattern concatenate all values by wich string should be splitted using | (OR in regexp), it will produce array required. Note: some characters have special meaning in Presto CLI or regexp and need shielding.

    select regexp_split(url,'/+|\?|%%7C|&')

    Regexp meaning:

    /+ - one or more slash

    | - OR

    \? - literally ?, needs shielding by backslash because ? has special meaning in regexp

    | - OR

    %%7C - literally %7C. % has special meaning in Presto CLI and presto is using double-character notation for shielding.

    | - OR

    & - literally &

    After you got an ARRAY, you can concatenate it or explode, etc