On Linux i used to fire this command
docker logs wp-mysql 2>&1 | grep "ready for connections"
However, I wish to search for the string on Windows
I tried the below two attempts but it shows not just the searched lines but also a few extra lines which I do not need.
docker logs wp-mysql 2>&1 | findstr "ready for connections"
docker logs wp-mysql 2> >(findstr 'ready for connections')
Can you please suggest a grep alternative for searching string in docker logs on Windows please?
This command searches for any of the strings "ready", "for" or "connections":
findstr "ready for connections"
This command searches for the string "ready for connections":
findstr /C:"ready for connections"
This command should solve your problems:
docker logs wp-mysql 2>&1 | findstr /C:"ready for connections"
Or this one, provided the native windows command find is the first one found in your path, the default install location is in C:\Windows\System32, but some people prefer to put the path to the unix find command before the build-in windows find command:
docker logs wp-mysql 2>&1 | find "ready for connections"
Use the option /? to show how to use a windows command line utility. Look at the ouput of these two commands:
findstr /?
find /?