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Restarting apache with Jenkins or Phing

I'm currently using Phing and Jenkins to automate builds and deployment for my CodeIgniter app. One problem I'm having trouble with is restarting the apache service. I tried in Phing but there isn't enough permissions. What is the best way to restart?


After adding jenkins into the sudoer file and exec'ing the service httpd restart, Jenkins throws: Process leaked file descriptors. Below is a snippet of the Phing output via Jenkins. It says a workaround is to install daemonize. Not sure what that means...

...Build_test > compress:

     [echo] YUI Compression started
     [echo] Replacing normal JS with compressed files.
     [echo] Replacing normal CSS with compressed files.
     [echo] chmoding assets
     [echo] YUI Compression ended

Build_test > pdepend:

Build_test > httpd_restart:

     [echo] Stopping httpd: [  OK  ]
     [echo] Starting httpd: [  OK  ]


Total time: 13.1424 seconds

Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information
[JDepend] JDepend plugin is ready
[JDepend] Found 68 classes in 1 packages
Finished: SUCCESS


  • If you're on Linux you can run Phing with the sudo command to allow it enough privileges to restart apache.

    sudo phing restartapache

    Assuming that restartapache is an exec task that calls the apache restart command. Eg:

    <target name="restartapache" description="Restarts the web server">
        <exec command="/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" />

    To avoid the sudo command prompting for a password you can update your sudo permissions for whatever user account you are running your build under (this example demonstrates turning off the sudo password prompt for the jenkins user):

    sudo visudo

    Then add the following lines:

    Defaults:jenkins !requiretty,!lecture
    jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/apache2

    The above has been edited to improve security according to this answer so that Jenkins is only allowed to restart apache without a password and nothing else.