I have created the below custom group validator which checks if passwords match. It works great however there is something I do not know WHY IT WORKS.
export class CustomGroupValidators {
static matchFields(field1: string, field2: string, errorKey: string): ValidatorFn {
return (group: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
const firstField = group.get(field1);
const secondField = group.get(field2);
if (firstField?.value !== secondField?.value) {
secondField?.setErrors({ mismatch: true });
return { [errorKey]: true };
} else {
return null;
As you can see I do not clear or reset any errors, however when first & second fields match validation works right and second field is valid - as per my wish. Does this mean that whenever a validator runs (either on a field or a group), it clears all the errors and re-evaluates / re-attaches those needed? Otherwise why don't I encounter a bug where "mismatch" error is still true when prior value caused the error to be set but current value is good?
Also I do not clearly understand under which events validators run in general. I know they run on value changes however are there any other circumstances under which they run in addition to that?
All the validators assigned to an AbstractControl
are re-run each time value of the control changes AND the control is enabled.
Note that the changes traverse up the tree, so changing a FormControl
inside a FormGroup
will change the value of both the control and the group - with FormControl
taking precedence.
This is a part of code responsible for running validators when value changes.
So in your case, angular will first run validators on your secondField
. In case of no validators (or validators returning null), errors array is empty and status is set to VALID.
Then, the same happens for your FormGroup
- errors on the group are cleared, and your validators are run.