Search code examples

How to make Google Script wait 3 seconds between two functions? The 2 functions are in 1 button

ABOUT: I made a Google Script Web App for tracking packages for our freight company. The database is on Google Sheets, with two sheets named "Tracker" and "Program" to automatically track packages.


  1. On the web app I enter the Tracking Number
  2. On click, this gets sent to the Tracker sheet
  3. Program sheet gets the tracking number from Tracker sheet, and takes 2-3 seconds to get data
  4. The data from Program sheet (which only has 1 row of data - only the relevant data) gets sent back to the web app for the client to view

MY PROBLEM: I need to have Steps 2 & 4 execute with 1 click of a button. Right now, it can do so if I fill up the form twice (which is a hassle for the clients).

QUESTION: Is there a way I can execute Step 2 first, then Google Script waits 3 seconds before executing Step 4? In just 1 click of the button

// STEP 2 where tracking number gets sent to Sheets
function sendTracking(formObject) {;

// STEP 4 where tracking status is returned from Sheets to Web App
function trackingInfo(formObject) {;

WHAT I'VE TRIED: All these returned blank -- I've placed all of them in between the two functions of Step 2 & 4. I'm not sure if I'm just entering them wrong or if they really don't work with my functions.

  • SpreadsheetApp.flush();
  • Utilities.sleep(3000)
  • LockService.getScriptLock(); lock.waitLock();

// COMBINED: Process STEP 2 & 4
function handleFormSubmit(formObject) {
  sendTracking(formObject); // THIS IS STEP 2
  // codes above inserted here
  trackingInfo(formObject); // THIS IS STEP 4


The code behind Step 2:

function processForm(formObject) {
  var url = "URL";
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
  var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Tracker");


The code behind Step 4:

function processReturnForm(formObject){  
  var result = "";
  if(formObject.trackingNumber){//Execute if form passes search text
  result = search(formObject.trackingNumber);
return result;


  • Place it at the end of processForm or at the beginning of your SuccessHandler.

    As I answered in your previous question. The execution sequence is not ensured in your code. Please first fix that.


