I am creating a Gantt Chart in Google sheet. This what it looks like:
was "Backend" active in month number 1 ? yes
How many weeks in month 1, "Backend" was active? 3
The address of "Backend's" start week: C6
The address of "Backend's" end week: E6
Can I do that with Formulas and not custom functions? Here is the link to my sheet.
HLOOKUP(COLUMN(B1:M1), IF(B1:M1<>"", {COLUMN(B1:M1); B1:M1}), 2, 1))&"×"&1, )), "×")),
"select Col1,'yes',sum(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1"),
"offset 1", 0), {2,3}, 0), {"no", 0}))