I am trying to plot a nested pie chart. However, I do not get a full pie chart. Top and bottom side of the pie is missing.
For example, I am only interested in expanding "Agriculture" in the nested pie. I have calculated size in % for each
I am interested in pie chart look likes below
Here is my working script.
df <- structure(list(parent = c("Energy", "Industry", "Transport", "Buildings ", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Forestry and Land Use " ), node = c("Energy", "Industry", "Transport", "Buildings ", "Enteric Fermentation", "Manure Left on Pasture", "Synthetic Fertilizers", "Paddy Rice", "Manure Management ", "Burning of savannahs", "Other", "Forestry and Land Use "), size = c(35, 21, 14, 6, 4.8, 1.92, 1.56, 1.2, 0.84, 0.6, 1.08, 12)), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))
# aggregate data for the df pie chart
df_data <-
by = list(df = df$parent),
FUN = sum)
# order sub_data data by df so it will line up with df pie chart
sub_data <- df[order(df$node), ]
df_colors <- c('#85EA72', '#3B3B3F', '#71ACE9', '#747AE6', '#F69852','#F69992')
# adjust these as desired (currently colors all subdatas the same as df)
sub_data_colors <-
c('#85EA72', '#3B3B3F', '#71ACE9', '#747AE6', '#F69852','#F69992', '#85EA88', '#3B3B4F', '#71ACC9', '#747EE6', '#F69899','#F68882')
# format labels to display subdata and % market size
sub_data_labels <- paste(sub_data$sub_data, ": ", sub_data$size, "%", sep = "")
# coordinates for the center of the chart
center_x <- 0.5
center_y <- 0.5
# draw sub_data pie chart first
sub_data_chart <-
xpos = center_x,
ypos = center_y,
x = sub_data$size,
radius = 0.35,
border = "white",
col = sub_data_colors
# add labels for sub_data pie chart
x = center_x,
y = center_y,
angles = sub_data_chart,
labels = sub_data_labels,
radius = 0.38,
bg = NULL,
cex = 0.8,
font = 2,
col = "gray40"
# overlay df pie chart
df_chart <-
xpos = center_x,
ypos = center_y,
x = df_data$x,
radius = 0.25,
border = "white",
col = df_colors
# add labels for df pie chart
x = center_x,
y = center_y,
angles = df_chart,
labels = df_data$df,
radius = 0.125,
bg = NULL,
cex = 0.8,
font = 2,
col = "white"
Could someone assist me to figure out the error? Thank you.
Regarding the missing edges, just increase your "Plots" Tab to the needed size.
Regarding the splitted subsection, my solution is basically to set all other sections to a white color so you wouldn't see them on a white background.
df <- structure(list(parent = c("Energy", "Industry", "Transport", "Buildings ",
"Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture",
"Agriculture", "Agriculture", "Agriculture",
"Agriculture", "Forestry and Land Use " ),
node = c("Energy", "Industry", "Transport", "Buildings ",
"Enteric Fermentation", "Manure Left on Pasture",
"Synthetic Fertilizers", "Paddy Rice",
"Manure Management ", "Burning of savannahs",
"Other", "Forestry and Land Use "),
size = c(35, 21, 14, 6, 4.8, 1.92, 1.56,
1.2, 0.84, 0.6, 1.08, 12)),
row.names = c(NA, -12L),
class = c("data.table", "data.frame"))
# aggregate data for the df pie chart
df_data <-
by = list(df = df$parent),
FUN = sum)
# order sub_data data by df so it will line up with df pie chart
sub_data <- df[order(df$node), ]
df_colors <- c('#85EA72', '#3B3B3F', '#71ACE9', '#747AE6', '#F69852','#F69992')
# adjust these as desired (currently colors all subdatas the same as df)
sub_data_colors <-
c('#85EA72', '#3B3B3F', '#71ACE9', '#747AE6', '#F69852','#F69992', '#85EA88',
'#3B3B4F', '#71ACC9', '#747EE6', '#F69899','#F68882')
# format labels to display subdata and % market size
sub_data_labels <- paste(sub_data$sub_data, ": ", sub_data$size, "%", sep = "")
# coordinates for the center of the chart
center_x <- 0.5
center_y <- 0.5
# colors should always match with the group
sub_data$color <- sub_data_colors
# set all other groups to white. Hence, they are not shown in the plot
sub_data[parent != "Agriculture", color := "#ffffff"]
# correct order is important
data.table::setorder(sub_data, -parent)
# Enlarge the "Plots" tab to the needed size
# draw sub_data pie chart first
sub_data_chart <-
xpos = center_x,
ypos = center_y,
x = sub_data$size,
radius = 0.35,
border = "white",
col = sub_data$color
# add labels for sub_data pie chart
x = center_x,
y = center_y,
angles = sub_data_chart,
labels = sub_data_labels,
radius = 0.38,
bg = NULL,
cex = 0.8,
font = 2,
col = "gray40"
data.table::setorder(df_data, -df)
# overlay df pie chart
df_chart <-
xpos = center_x,
ypos = center_y,
x = df_data$x,
radius = 0.25,
border = "white",
col = df_colors
# add labels for df pie chart
x = center_x,
y = center_y,
angles = df_chart,
labels = df_data$df,
radius = 0.125,
bg = NULL,
cex = 0.8,
font = 2,
col = "white"