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Ansible - Filter Dictionary Values

I have gathered the list of all users using getent_module:

- name: Get user info
    database: passed

This returns this variable as getent_passwd, a dictionary like this:

    "uuidd": [
    "www-data": [

I'm trying to return an array of users, including some specific users, finding the key of item.value in which "/home" is a part of one of the value array items and "nologin" is not. This is the code I have written so far, but it is not correct.

- name: style the user list
    my_users: "{{ item.key | default([]) }}"
    - "'nologin' not in (item.value)"
    - "'/home' search in (item.value)"
  loop: "{{ lookup('dict', getent_passwd) }}"

How should I change my conditions to get the expected result?


  • As you understood correctly, since pattern/regex matching works on strings and not on items of list, when condition won't work. While matching items from a list, we need to match the complete item, i.e.

      - "'/home/someuser' in item.value"
      - "'/usr/sbin/nologin' not in item.value"

    Typically, the $HOME path in Linux is /home/$USER. The resulting getent_passwd contains the username in item.key. Which means that we can use /home/{{ item.key }} to match in item.value.

    A task such as below should do the job:

        - name: save users with actual login
            my_users: "{{ my_users | default([]) + [ item.key ] }}"
            - "'/home/' ~ item.key in item.value"
            - "'/usr/sbin/nologin' not in item.value"
          loop: "{{ lookup('dict', getent_passwd) }}"

    The other approach could be to actually join the item.value to get a string similar to the one in /etc/passwd so that we can do text search such as: '/home' search in (item.value).


       # item.value | join(':') is the same as each line of '/etc/passwd'
        - name: save users with actual login
            my_users: "{{ my_users | default([]) + [ item.key ] }}"
            - "'/home' in item.value | join(':')"
            - "'nologin' not in item.value | join(':')"
          loop: "{{ lookup('dict', getent_passwd) }}"