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telegramtelegram-bottelegram-api sends an ERROR when I want to create an API id/hash in API development tools section

I'm trying to get my API id/hash to create some bots for telegram , but in the API developmen tools section , when I enter my bot informations( name , shortname...) and click on create to get the results , I recieve an error : says ERROR

I live in Iran and telegram servers are blocked here .

Any solution for this problem?

!! I found the Iranians-only solution which I wrote down below .


  • NEW and SIMPLE answer :

    • Just ask the bot father ( to help you create a new bot and give you the api key . very simple and lovely . (thanks Mr.
    1. go to
    2. type /newbot
    3. choose a name for your bot
    4. choose a username for your bot
    5. Done! it will send you the HTTP API key .

    enter image description here

    My OLD answer: (Mosty for countries that have blocked Telegram!)

    • Use good VPNs that can hide your main ip. Telegram's website can find your main ip and will not allow you to use its features, so try different SAFE VPNs until you finally get your api key .(but the better way is to ask the bot father (