I am trying to simply delete an element from a list in Swift and SwiftUI. Without binding something in the ForEach
loop, it does get removed. However, with binding something it crashes with an error Index out of range
. It seems like the ForEach
loop is constant, not updating, and trying to render at the specific index.
Example view code:
@ObservedObject var todoViewModel: TodoViewModel
ForEach(self.todoViewModel.todos.indices) { index in
TextField("Test", text: self.$todoViewModel.todos[index].title)
.contextMenu(ContextMenu(menuItems: {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash")
Example view model code:
final class TodoViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var todos: [Todo] = []
func deleteAt(_ index: Int) -> Void {
self.todos.remove(at: index)
Example model code:
struct Todo: Identifiable {
var id: Int
var title: String = ""
Does anyone know how to properly delete an element from a list where it is bound in a ForEach
This happens because you're enumerating by indices
and referencing binding by index inside ForEach
I suggest you switching to ForEachIndexed
: this wrapper will pass both index and a correct binding to your block:
struct ForEachIndexed<Data: MutableCollection&RandomAccessCollection, RowContent: View, ID: Hashable>: View, DynamicViewContent where Data.Index : Hashable
var data: [(Data.Index, Data.Element)] {
let forEach: ForEach<[(Data.Index, Data.Element)], ID, RowContent>
init(_ data: Binding<Data>,
@ViewBuilder rowContent: @escaping (Data.Index, Binding<Data.Element>) -> RowContent
) where Data.Element: Identifiable, Data.Element.ID == ID {
forEach = ForEach(
Array(zip(data.wrappedValue.indices, data.wrappedValue)),
id: \.1.id
) { i, _ in
rowContent(i, Binding(get: { data.wrappedValue[i] }, set: { data.wrappedValue[i] = $0 }))
init(_ data: Binding<Data>,
id: KeyPath<Data.Element, ID>,
@ViewBuilder rowContent: @escaping (Data.Index, Binding<Data.Element>) -> RowContent
) {
forEach = ForEach(
Array(zip(data.wrappedValue.indices, data.wrappedValue)),
id: (\.1 as KeyPath<(Data.Index, Data.Element), Data.Element>).appending(path: id)
) { i, _ in
rowContent(i, Binding(get: { data.wrappedValue[i] }, set: { data.wrappedValue[i] = $0 }))
var body: some View {
ForEachIndexed($todoViewModel.todos) { index, todoBinding in
TextField("Test", text: todoBinding.title)
.contextMenu(ContextMenu(menuItems: {
VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash")