I'm writing test cases for my Go application that makes HTTP requests. To simulate a response from the remote host, I have created this class stringProducer
type stringProducer struct {
strings []string
callCount int
func (s *stringProducer) GetNext() string {
if s.callCount >= len(s.strings) {
panic("ran out of responses")
fmt.Println("s.CallCount = ", s.callCount)
return s.strings[s.callCount-1]
func mockHTTPResponder(producer stringProducer) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Here is how I call it in my main function:
func main() {
producer := stringProducer{
strings: []string{"Hello World!"},
srv := httptest.NewServer(mockHTTPResponder(producer))
if producer.callCount != 0 {
panic("callCount is not 0")
var buf io.ReadWriter
req, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.Background(), http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("%s/path/to/something", srv.URL), buf)
newClient := http.Client{}
if producer.callCount != 1 {
panic("callCount is not 1")
In this code, when an HTTP request is made, it goes to the responder above which responds with some pre-specified text. It also causes the counter stringProducer.callCount
to be incremented by 1.
From the program's output below, you can see that it prints a line showing that callCount was incremented to 1. However, when I check that same value, it is not 1. It is zero. Why? And how to fix that?
s.CallCount = 1
panic: callCount is not 1
goroutine 1 [running]:
/tmp/sandbox3935766212/prog.go:50 +0x118
Go Playground link here: https://play.golang.org/p/mkiJAfrMdCw
You pass by value stringProducer in mockHTTPResponder. When you do this you get a copy of the variable inside mockHTTPResponder. And all the following changes are made on that copy (original stringProducer are left unchanged):
func mockHTTPResponder(producer stringProducer) http.Handler { // <- producer is a copy of the original variable
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte(producer.GetNext())) // <- s.callCount++ on the copy
Pass a pointer inside mockHTTPResponder.