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Remove item of list in Applescript

Is there a way to remove a specific item from a list in Applescript?

So something like this:

set theList to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
remove item 3 of theList
log theList

--Should log: (*1, 2, 4, 5*)


  • Unfortunately there is no higher level function like removeItemAtIndex in AppleScript.

    Writing such a function is quite cumbersome because unlike the other programming/script languages AppleScript indices start at 1.

    For example

    on removeItem from theList at theIndex
        if theIndex > (count theList) or theIndex is 0 then return theList
        if theIndex = 1 then
            return items 2 thru -1 of theList
        else if theIndex is (count theList) then
            return items 1 thru -2 of theList
            tell theList to return items 1 thru (theIndex - 1) & items (theIndex + 1) thru -1
        end if
    end removeItem

    It's a bit easier with the help of the Foundation Framework (keeping the 1-based indices)

    use AppleScript version "2.5"
    use framework "Foundation"
    on removeItem from theList at theIndex
        if theIndex > (count theList) or theIndex is 0 then return theList
        set mutableArray to current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:theList
        mutableArray's removeObjectAtIndex:(theIndex - 1)
        return mutableArray as list
    end removeItem