I am using the RedisMessageQueueClient
as can be seen here:
public TResponse SendSync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, int? timeoutMilliseconds = null)
where TRequest : CoreRequest
where TResponse : CoreRequest
IMessage responseMessage = null;
using (var mqClient = MqClientFactory.Instance.CreateMessageQueueClient())
// mqClient is ServiceStack.Messaging.RedisMessageQueueClient
var uniqueCallbackQ = $"mq:c1:{request.GetType().Name}:{Guid.NewGuid():N}";
var clientMsg = new Message<TRequest>(request)
ReplyTo = uniqueCallbackQ,
RetryAttempts = 0
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds.HasValue ? timeoutMilliseconds.Value : 120000);
//Blocks thread on client until reply message is received
responseMessage = mqClient.Get<TResponse>(uniqueCallbackQ, timeout);
if(responseMessage?.Body == null)
throw new TimeoutException($"Request {request.GetType().Name} from {Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name} has timed out!");
return responseMessage?.Body as TResponse;
for some reason in my code, an error is produced (this is what I am actually trying to find), and according to this SO post, that error should be returned to the ReplyTo address:
If you're using an explicit ReplyTo address any Errors will be sent to that ReplyTo address instead of the DLQ.
In this case, I am using the ReplyTo, like this:
However, when I browse Redis, I see that the request has ended in in a DLQ, but not the ReplyTo address. In the image below, we see that:
_mqServer = new RedisMqServer(_redisClientManager, retryCount: 2)
, but I expected that I could override this, using the code above? I also changed it to _mqServer = new RedisMqServer(_redisClientManager, retryCount: 0)
, but it still retried twice..NET 5.0, ServiceStack.Redis.Core 5.10.4, Visual Studio 2019
This is still the case where failed Error Responses are sent to the ReplyMq:
using (var mqFactory = appHost.TryResolve<IMessageFactory>())
var request = new ThrowGenericError { Id = 1 };
using (var mqProducer = mqFactory.CreateMessageProducer())
using (var mqClient = mqFactory.CreateMessageQueueClient())
var requestMsg = new Message<ThrowGenericError>(request)
ReplyTo = $"mq:{request.GetType().Name}.replyto"
var msg = mqClient.Get<ErrorResponse>(requestMsg.ReplyTo, null);
Assert.That(msg.GetBody().ResponseStatus.ErrorCode, Is.EqualTo("ArgumentException"));
Failed responses are sent immediately to ReplyTo
, i.e. they're not retried so it's not clear where your DLQ messages are coming from.