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Sending Email in outlook using EWS using js

I am able to send the mail to users but the attachment file is not going with the request. The reciver is reciveing just Subject and body and no attachment . What should i do so that it sends attachment also. Also The mails recieved by people are going to junk automaticlly. Reference-

Is there a way to send a mail seamlessly using Office.js?

  function send_mail(msg){
  var request = '<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:soap="">'+
    '  <soap:Header><t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010" /></soap:Header>'+
    '  <soap:Body>'+
    '    <m:CreateItem MessageDisposition="SendAndSaveCopy">'+
    '      <m:SavedItemFolderId><t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="sentitems" /></m:SavedItemFolderId>'+
    '      <m:Items>'+
    '        <t:Message>'+
  '           <ItemId Id="123" />'+
    '          <t:Subject>'+ msg.subject+'</t:Subject>'+
    '          <t:Body BodyType="HTML">'+msg.body +'</t:Body>'+
    '          <t:ToRecipients>'+
    '            <t:Mailbox><t:EmailAddress>' +msg.To + '</t:EmailAddress></t:Mailbox>'+
    '          </t:ToRecipients>'+
    '        </t:Message>'+
    '      </m:Items>'+
    '    </m:CreateItem>'+
  '  <CreateAttachment xmlns="" xmlns:t="">'+
  ' <ParentItemId Id="123"/>'+
  ' <Attachments>'+
    ' <t:ItemAttachment>'+
    '   <t:Name>MyAttachment</t:Name>'+
      ' <t:Message>'+
       '  <t:ItemClass></t:ItemClass>'+
       '  <t:Subject>My attachment subject</t:Subject>'+
        ' <t:Body BodyType="Text">My attachment body</t:Body>'+
     '  </t:Message>'+
   '  </t:ItemAttachment>'+
 '  </Attachments>'+
' </CreateAttachment>'+
    ' </soap:Body>'+
    ' </soap:Envelope>';

Office.context.mailbox.makeEwsRequestAsync(request, function (asyncResult) {
  if (asyncResult.status == "failed") {
    console.log("Error" + asyncResult.error.message)
   // showMessage("Action failed with error: ");
  else {
    console.log("Message Sent")
  // showMessage("Message sent!");


  • In your SOAP request, you are calling the CreateAttachment EWS operation. This operation is not supported when running EWS in the context of an add-in. See this link for the full list of supported EWS operations:

    Instead of using EWS, consider using REST/Microsoft Graph. We have documentation on that here: