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UE4 Complex Collision, Phys Material Override not working

Below you can see the Phys Mat set in the StaticMeshActor, which has been placed into the world. Phys Mat Override

When I am tracing with a complex trace it says, that my Phys Mat is the default one. When I am tracing with a simple trace, it says that the phys mat is the one that I set in the editor.

I read online, that this should also work with complex traces. Complex Collision in the Unreal Doc

Any help is much appreciated!


  • I didn't find a way to make this within the editor. But I coded my way around it. Basically, I made a simple trace from the complex Hit about 10 units further to 'secure' my new trace. Then I just swapped out my Phys Material from my complex trace with the Phys Material from my simple trace.