I am designing a database(postgresql) that can store a user's meals across the day, and there'll be weekly, monthly, or yearly analysis based these everyday information in the future. My original design was to have a meals
table that looks like:
(table name)
With this structure, querying data of a user's meals in a specified day may first filter meals
by user_id
, then by timestamp
. And for one user, there will be multiple records inserted for multiple meals during one day.
(table name)
And data in the records
column may look like:
"08:30": {
picture_ids: [1,2],
labels: ['meat', 'apple'],
note: 'meat was too salty'
"12:45": {
// some data
"19:05": {
// some data
This way, one user only has one row for each day, insertion of a meal is actually an updating of the records
column of the row corresponding to user
Of the two approaches (and knowing nothing about your application layer, front-end architecture, etc) I'd prefer the meals
table approach. It's simple, fairly flexible (seems to make few assumptions about how the data will be used), prevents possible update-conflicts on the jSONB structure, and is fairly simple to migrate away from (to the mails_per_day approach or something else) should the need arise.