We've a simple Junit/Junit5 & Maven-surefire based test framework.
We run the tests using following commands:
mvn clean test -PlistingGROUP
mvn clean test -PsignUpGROUP
mvn clean test -PloginGROUP
The groups are defined under section of the POM.xml
The surefire plugin is defined under build section of the POM.xml
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
<!-- ***OPTION 2:: Configure groups , as below & remember to disable Option1 ***-->
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
<!-- <configuration>-->
<!-- <groups>smokeTag</groups>-->
<!-- </configuration>-->
When test are run using maven command, its skipping listing tests (when ran indivisually or as part of allTests profile) I tried to create new test class & noticed that- its only running Signup tests & login tests
POM.xml details:
Issue got resolved after removing, all of Juni4 dependencies from the project & after correcting imports to modern Junit5 Jupiter imports,
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
instead of having import conflicts
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;