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Get PID from tasklist command

I am using tasklist to bring me information about a specific service/proccess running on my Windows Server.

The command:

tasklist /svc /fi "SERVICES eq .Service02"

The output:

Image Name           PID      Services
================== ======== ============================================
app02.exe           15668    .Service02

I searched for quite a while now here on StackOverflow, other forums and also on Windows Docs but I couldn't figure out how to get the desired output, which is:


I managed to do a command that kind of worked but not really...

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %A in ('tasklist /svc /fi "SERVICES eq .Service02"') do echo %B

This did not give me the desired output - Instead, it gave me the following output:

C:\Users\admin>echo Name

C:\Users\admin>echo ========

C:\Users\admin>echo 15668

If I could only do something that only echoed the third line. The output would be exactly what I need. The PID.

So, I need a command that brings the name of the proccess being used by the service I provide, and return me only its PID.

Please, can someone help me?

Edit: Thanks to @Squashman I managed to do a new command:

tasklist /svc /fi "SERVICES eq .Service02" /FO csv /NH

And now the output is:


But where do I go from here?


  • Just use a for /F loop to capture the CSV output of the tasklist command and to extract the right token.

    In Command Prompt:

    @for /F "tokens=2 delims=," %P in ('tasklist /SVC /FI "Services eq .Service02" /FO CSV /NH') do @echo %~P

    In a batch file:

    @echo off
    for /F "tokens=2 delims=," %%P in ('
        tasklist /SVC /FI "Services eq .Service02" /FO CSV /NH
    ') do echo %%~P

    The ~-modifier removes the surrounding quotation marks from the PID value.