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Raw SQL with FastApi and SqlAlchemy (get all columns)

I have a simple FastApi endpoint that connects to a MySQL database using SqlAlchemy (based of the tutorial:

I create a session using:

engine = create_engine(
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)

I create the dependency:

def get_db():
   db = SessionLocal()
      yield db

In my route I want to execute an arbitrary SQL statement but I am not sure how to handle session, connection, cursor etc. correctly (including closing) which I learned the hard way is super important for correct performance

def get_data(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):

Ultimately the reason for this is that my table contains machine learning features with columns that are undetermined beforehand. If there is a way to define a Base model with "all columns" that would work too, but I couldnt find that either.


  • I solved this using the package instead. It handles all connections / sessions etc. under the hood. Simplified snippet:

    database = databases.Database(DATABASE_URL)
    async def read_db():
        data = await database.fetch_all("SELECT * FROM USER_TABLE")
        return data