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gorm has many relation with foreignKey reference

My goal is to archive a "has many" relation with gorm

I don't want to have any generated IDs so I intentionally did not use gorm.Model in my structs

I set up my two structs like:

type Application struct {
  Name         string        `json:"name" gorm:"primaryKey"`
  Description  string        `json:"description"`
  Translations []Translation `json:"titles" gorm:"foreignKey:ApplicationName;references:Name"`

type Translation struct {
  ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName" gorm:"primaryKey"`
  Locale          string `json:"locale" gorm:"primaryKey"`
  Value           string `json:"value"`

Translation.ApplicationName should be the foreignKey to Applications

(Translation.ApplicationName + Translation.Locale) the primary key for Translations

After creating an application

  "name" : "postedApplication1",
  "description" : "postedDescription3",
  "titles" : [
        "locale": "de-DE",
        "locale": "de-AT",

I got following error

ON CONFLICT clause does not match any PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint [0.065ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO translations (application_name,locale,value) VALUES ("postedApplication1","de-DE","deutsch"),("postedApplication1","de-AT","AT") ON CONFLICT (application_name,locale) DO UPDATE SET application_name=excluded.application_name


ON CONFLICT clause does not match any PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint [0.531ms] [rows:0] UPDATE applications SET description="postedDescription3" WHERE name = "postedApplication1" [GIN] 2021/08/27 - 11:23:00 | 200 | 841.953µs | | POST "/applications"

Someone any idea what I'm doing wrong


  • SOLVED qx.X,p

    Everything was correct!

    After I installed vscode-sqlite and inspected the database I just recognized that the sqlite tables were not like I designed them

    The problem was that AutoMigrate which produced an invalid state due changing a lot during developing

    database.AutoMigrate(&models.Application{}, &models.Translation{})

    I had to delete sqlite "gorm.db" file and restart the application