Nevrona Designs' Rave Reports is a Report Engine for use by Embarcadero's Delphi IDE.
This is what I call the Rave Endless Loop bug. In Rave Reports version 6.5.0 (VCL10) that comes bundled with Delphi 2006, there is a nortorious bug that plagues many Rave report developers. If you have a non-empty dataset, and the data rows for this dataset fit exactly into a page (that is to say there are zero widow rows), then upon PrintPreview, Rave will get stuck in an infinite loop generating pages.
This problem has been previously reported in this newsgroup under the following headings:
In each of these postings, there was no response from Nevrona, and no solution was reported.
Possibly, the problem has also been reported on an allied newsgroup (nevrona.public.rave.reports.general), to wit: 6. "Continuously generating report"; Jobard 20/11/2005 Although it is not clear to me if (6) is the Rave Endless loop bug or another problem. This posting did get a reply from Nevrona, but it was more in relation to multiple regions ("There is a problem when using multiple regions that go over a page-break.") than the problem of zero widows.
This is more of a work-around than a true solution. I first posted this work-around on the Nevrona newsgroup (Group=nevrona.public.rave.developer.delphi.rave; Subject="Are you suffering from the Rave Endless Loop bug?: Work-around announced."; Date=13/11/2006 7:06 PM)
So here is my solution. It is more of a work-around than a good long-term solution, and I hope that Nevrona will give this issue some serious attention in the near future.