Search code examples

Find rows using foreign key in TypeORM

I have an OneToMany relation from User to Message.

When I insert register a user with a message, it adds the user to the User table, and the message to the Message table with a userId pointing to the user's id.

This is done automatically using the following setup.

User entity:

export class User {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  email: string;

  @OneToMany((type) => Message, (message) => message.user, {
    cascade: true,
  messages: Message[];

Message entity:

export class Message {
  id: number;

  text: string;
  @ManyToOne((type) => User, (user) => user.messages, { eager: true })
  user: User[];

If I want to find all messages from a user via userId with:

const existing_msgs = await this.messageRepository.find({
    where: { userId: },

It tells me that it cannot find the userId column, which is understandable as I did not specifically include userId to the Message entity.

But how would we query it in this case?


  • As mentionned in This post, you have to add the decorator @JoinColumn after your manytoone. This will join the column and you will be able to perform the query you want with :

    const existing_msgs = await this.messageRepository.find({
        where: { user: { id: }},

    Note that this will work only on primary column like id.

    And your message table will be :

    export class Message {
      id: number;
      text: string;
      @ManyToOne((type) => User, (user) => user.messages, { eager: true })
      @JoinColumn() // <-- Add this
      user: User[];