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Power Query Custom Column Formula

I am trying to aggregate data brought in via power query and add a custom column. Essentially, I want to count all the first non-zero months in the data feed by group and report that count in a separate column.

For an example, this is what the input data looks like:

Index UNIQUEID PRMS Reserves Category PRMS Reserves Sub Category Date Gross Oil Well Head Volume (MBBL)
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 6/1/2027 0
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 7/1/2027 0
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 8/1/2027 0
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 9/1/2027 14
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 10/1/2027 24
36 INPTegrxW4xbF6 probable undeveloped 11/1/2027 27
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 6/1/2027 0
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 7/1/2027 0
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 8/1/2027 0
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 9/1/2027 14
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 10/1/2027 24
37 INPTegrxW4xbF7 probable undeveloped 11/1/2027 27
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 6/1/2027 0
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 7/1/2027 0
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 8/1/2027 0
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 9/1/2027 14
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 10/1/2027 24
38 INPTegrxW4xbF8 probable undeveloped 11/1/2027 27
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 5/1/2027 0
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 6/1/2027 0
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 7/1/2027 0
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 8/1/2027 14
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 9/1/2027 24
39 INPTegrxW4xbF9 proved undeveloped 10/1/2027 27

and I would like the final query to look like this:

PRMS Reserves Category PRMS Reserves Sub Category Date Sum of Gross Oil Count
probable undeveloped 6/1/2027 0 0
probable undeveloped 7/1/2027 0 0
probable undeveloped 8/1/2027 0 0
probable undeveloped 9/1/2027 42 3
probable undeveloped 10/1/2027 72 0
probable undeveloped 11/1/2027 81 0
proved undeveloped 5/1/2027 0 0
proved undeveloped 6/1/2027 0 0
proved undeveloped 7/1/2027 0 0
proved undeveloped 8/1/2027 14 1
proved undeveloped 9/1/2027 24 0
proved undeveloped 10/1/2027 27 0

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to write the function in power query's custom column?


  • It looks like you need to calculate the minimal date MinDate for each category combination and then check if Date = MinDate

        Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("pZGxCoMwFEX/JbNgklqT/EChS+lQ6CAODYYuUkWo+PlN62DNe8vV7SVwznBPVYlDKTJxvlxv4TlM92Lyp+9HP3T+4dsQz/erCWNouz408VXmKtdSm3hKUWcwb3bydifvFl4VWwRKLga9zaD+DGY2mNRgsAgYTyNgPI2A8UwETMBFAA1MBJsaLBYB42kEjKcRMJ6JgAm4CKCBieBSg5sN449Y80cyAULTgAhN8yG0peMjuKPLI/iqXNy9/gA=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Index = _t, UNIQUEID = _t, #"PRMS Reserves Category" = _t, #"PRMS Reserves Sub Category" = _t, Date = _t, #"Gross Oil Well Head Volume (MBBL)" = _t]),
        #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Index", Int64.Type}, {"UNIQUEID", type text}, {"PRMS Reserves Category", type text}, {"PRMS Reserves Sub Category", type text}, {"Date", type date}, {"Gross Oil Well Head Volume (MBBL)", Int64.Type}}),
        #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each ([#"Gross Oil Well Head Volume (MBBL)"] <> 0)),
        #"Grouped Category" = Table.Group(#"Filtered Rows", {"PRMS Reserves Category", "PRMS Reserves Sub Category"}, {{"MinDate", each List.Min([Date]), type nullable date}}),
        #"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin(#"Changed Type", {"PRMS Reserves Category", "PRMS Reserves Sub Category"}, #"Grouped Category", {"PRMS Reserves Category", "PRMS Reserves Sub Category"}, "Grouped Rows", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
        #"Expanded Grouped Rows" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries", "Grouped Rows", {"MinDate"}, {"MinDate"}),
        #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded Grouped Rows", "Custom", each if [Date] = [MinDate] then 1 else 0, Int64.Type),
        #"Grouped Category and Date" = Table.Group(#"Added Custom", {"PRMS Reserves Category", "PRMS Reserves Sub Category", "Date"}, {{"Gross", each List.Sum([#"Gross Oil Well Head Volume (MBBL)"]), type nullable number}, {"Count", each List.Sum([Custom]), type number}})
        #"Grouped Category and Date"

    This computes the MinDate in the #"Grouped Category" step by taking the min over the Date column after filtering out 0 values:

    Subquery screenshot

    Then it merges this MinDate column back into the original table and adds a custom column using the logic if [Date] = [MinDate] then 1 else 0.

    Custom column screenshot

    The final step groups on the first three columns shown above, summing over Gross Oil and Custom.

    Final result screenshot